Sunday, July 23, 2006

Oh My Groin!

Before I continue with this post, I would like to stress that technically I'm still a virgin, and that what I'm about to write can be quite shocking to the prude.

It all begins in Primary School. As innocent pupils, we play games. Sometimes, the game can be normal, like Jump rope, Hopscotch, or the simple Hide and seek.

The game can be downright stupid, like making the longest string-like residue by rubbing the rubber slowly on the table.

Or unsavoury, like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors and having the loser undo a button one by one. Of course only the boys would play that game as we were wearing dress shirt.

Another questionable game that is exclusive to the boys is um...

Popularly played among the boys, the objective of the game is to touch the others' groin while protecting your own groin from being touched.

Don't ask me how this game came about, might have been invented by a lecherous gay boy, but we sure had a lot of fun playing that game, and I sort of mastered the game. Okay, that's not the point.

You see, as fate would have it, I was sitting next to a guy, to whom I shall name as Lecherous Lex. One day I playfully touched his groin, and he reciprocated by putting a hold on mine.

Me: Hey, you touched too long.

LL: Hehe, then you can touch mine again.

Me: Ok.

Soon, the touching turned into fondling...... and I shall spare you the gory details. Mind you, all these happened during class, while the teacher was teaching. However, as we sat close to each other, we managed to "touch" each other surreptitiously. It was fun at first, but soon I began to feel disgusted. I do realized something is wrong about this but I don't know why. Probably it felt like having promiscuous sex without love. Unfortunately, day by day, LL began to be a bit more aggressive. He started to request for more "touching", especially during breaks. I just refused and not long after that, we brushed the whole thing aside as we had to concentrate for a major exam.

LL isn't a bad person ( in fact he's a smart ass and we've been competing with each other for the top spot in school), but I can't help but to think, in retrospect, that all he wanted was sex, and I do not like that. Nevertheless, he's the first person that I've had sexual contact with and I could not forget that.

We did not keep in touch after leaving promary school. Yesterday night, I contacted him with the number on the year book as I really wondered how he is doing now, after so many years.

Me: Hello, LL, guess who I am.

LL: Huh? XXX? YYY?... (wrong guesses)

Me: What? How can you forget me? I'm Harvey!

LL: Oh... I didn't expect you to call me, especially not at a time like this.....after so long...

Me: So, how are you doing?

LL: Fine. You?

Me: Same here. Holidaying. Where are you going to study?

LL: XXX university.

Me: What? Oh, my! That's the same university I'm going to. WOW!

(I was so shocked.)

LL: Really? What course are you doing?

Me: Chemical Engineering.

LL: Same here.

(I was even more shocked)

We chatted for a while but we did not talk about that "thing" we did in school. According to him, he was applying to further his studies in Singapore, but he didn't go as there was no scholarship for him. XXX University, however, offered him full scholarship, and so he decided to go there instead.

Apparently, we'll most probably end up in the same class again, as fate would have it. I don't know how I should feel about this. Don't tell me we're gonna end up as roomates like the case in Notroh Woods.

No, I don't really like that. It'll be so awkward.



Annie said...

I have no comment Harvey. LOL!
To me, you're still an innocent puppy.. LALALALALALALA.. I can't hear you.

You normal. Him? weird.

He didn't even remember your name! The Slimeball.
Stay away from weird boys and weird games. Go to Australia and find new games to play. :D

joshua said...

OMG!!! Never thought you were so naughty lar.

Alex said...

LOL.... I didn't know NotrohWoods is so famous now... Now, who knows you might get him as your roommate? Then you can start a pink branch there. Anyhow, stop playing those silly games!!!!

Xavier said...


NOtroh Woods didnt start from mutual groin fondling (nor will it ever happened)

we are of academia nature, studying the effects of HomosexOil in the DNA or normal floks living in a certain town in the land of the east.

as well as combating faul exam evils from the United Kingdom!

but anyway, hope u will have FUN soon *wink wink

Mr RM said...

what kind of game is this, it seems really fun lar...

i wanna play too.....

legalmate said...

cant wait to know what is going to happen next :P

Hafiz Hector said...

In the begining already said.. I'm still a virgin! Like that we ALL wanted to know! Hahahahah

shine said...

Don't end up like Notroh-fucking-Woods okay. That place is highly incestuous lol *heard that Xavier & Alex*.

MrBunnyBan said...

Heeee. But just so you know - at that age, it's also normal for perfectly straight guys to try out these things. He's *probably* gay, but dun assume, k?

Kihu said...

OMG! uhmnn more fondling would involved in the lectures? uhmnn ahaha blog it out ur adventures when u started ur uni yah ahahah! But wait. do he grow up well first? uhmnn hunky handsome looking guy?> ahaha

ça va pas la tête said...

it's freaky but i can sense what is coming. Harvey... just relax enjoy the ride and yeah, be good to yourself. ;)

aiskrem_potong said...

god... which primary school did u go to? how come i've never heard of this game when i was in primary school? it sounds like so much fun!

++ Chris ++ said...

Aaaaw, never thought this game is also popular there. Here in Indo that perverted game also kinda popular lo, geezz...

Ganymede said...

Huhhuhu. I used to get my friend pissed cause he'll push me to the wall with his knees threatening to crack my balls. :P Puberty has its side effects. :)

Life Cafez said...

OMG, what games is that? Why no one in my primary school started these game.. seem pretty fun!! I missed out this game in my childhood :)

If you meet him in Uni or he turned up become your roomate... Stay away from this "FUN" game again wor...It's not just a game anymore as you both had turn out to become men,hehe :P

yw[2k] said...

Hahaha... Looks like a game I used to play as well? But no grabbing or fondling, juz sudden unexpected pokes!


Harvey said...

Wah, thanks for the comments guys (and gal) ^_^

Anniie: I AM innocent...sort of, and I do attract weird people (T_T). Yes, I'm going to Australia. I wonder what games can I find there.

Kyle : You can play that with yourself.

joshua : Kids ma. We didn't think it was a blasphemous act, we touched groins just for fun.

Alex : Aiya, I only played those games when I was in primary school lar. They were promulgated like fashion.

Xavier: No not looking forward to seeing him again, actually.

The Searcher: Same advice to Kyle.

++ Chris ++ : It's popular among the kids... I hope.

legalmate: I'm thinking of changing course already.

Hafiz Hector: Ok, I'm not a virgin then.

shine: No way... me pure and innocent... *avoids flying potatoes

MrBunnyBan : He's effeminate. Period.

FamezGAY : He's not hunky, nor handsome. Period.

ça va pas la tête:I wanna cry already...

aiskrem_potong : Haha, maybe those games only exist under the oppressive ambience of the chinese primary school.

defiant85: 0.o

Life Cafez : Well, we're all grown up now, we know what kind of game is that.

yw[2k]: Yep. it's supposed to be just poking... but then....

hcpen said...

i didn't know boys played these kind of games in REALITY...heard of it plenty of times and see it in films...but we never had this kind of games in MY primary school...or mayb i didn't know..haha

Harvey said...

Back then, I LOVED that game, can touch other boys wor... heh :P