Let's see..... what did I do after the gay Melaka trip....?
There was a lot of chatting with bloggers online, especially idiot, who was as free as me until this week.
Watched 80 ++ episodes of Bleach.
Downloaded several movies illegally. I've just watched Lucky Number Slevin today. The first part of the movie would be very monotonous, if Josh Hartnett didn't walk around wearing only a towel hanging loosely on his lower waist.
Watched a movie legally at the cinema on Saturday. The queue was unusually long but we managed to buy 8 great seats that were no longer reserved half an hour before the show started. Hmm... I'm too lazy to type out the stupid long name of the movie, perhaps Orlando Bloom would ring a bell? Personally I still think he looks far better as a blonde elf in LOTR. Perhaps his sexual appeal decreased as his character got attached to a cleavage-showing girl in a movie full of filthy pirates. Like its predecessor, the story is full of twists and witty dialogues. Pretty entertaining.
Met ça va pas la tête of Me talk pretty everyday's fame on Sunday at the Curve (this time I only missed the first turn, Yay!) . Incidentally he took me to eat asam laksa (some sort of "spicy sour noodles", annie & ru, if you're reading this) , which is my favourite. Ooo, we saw a really hot hunk there too, bulgy biceps.....cute face... so out of my league.
And he looks just as good, if not better than Orlando Bloom.
woa soo happening lar ur life.. my life have been solo a lot nowadays! boring!
Well... I have to do sth to occupy my life as a single lonely unattractive bla bla bla person.
So de drama one your title...
ur title scared me off for a bit there.
i wanna watch POTC too... gotta wait for someone to watch it with me i guess.
now, where's your application form for admission to the School of 'Gifted' Boys?
What the heck is asam laksa! Sounds like a German swear word. "YOU roust, asam laksa!" LOL! After weeks of therapy, it's been decided that I fell in love with Legolas, the fictional LOTR character, NOT the actor who played him, that Orlando florida dude.. *sigh*. Wait..waaaahhhh you say? somebody named Josh prouncing around in just a towel in a movie? How could I have missed that? Oh, ha, that's right, I'm married, meaning my super conducting nuclear stud finding radar has been tampered with. It's a contract I signed with my own blood. *shrug*.. it's why I read Harvey's doggy style blog to get the latest info. (Pun intended) :D
I LIKE those little dogs, NOW! if they'll just wag their little tails and blink like you do, wow..just WOW.
the cute hunk. argh.. i so going to buy from his stall.
Aww.. Asam Laksa... I had not taken for quite some times... Miss it... Yummy Yummy :)
flaunt it! flaunt it!! when u have free time, flaunt it!
*sob sob :( while battling study-spirit and exam-devil in notroh woods
Which stall with handsome hunk?
There are actually lots of people who look better than Orlando Bloom, and really i was never a big fan.
Bleach is getting good again, but its still draggy. When will we get to see the captains pull some kickarse action?! =p
defiant85: Not as drama as your "sexpisodes".
joshua : You didn't state clearly how the application procedure is.
Anniie: LOL, you should try that asam laksa if you happen to visit Malaysia. Oooh, it's not a swear word, in fact it makes me drool when I think of the word. That's not the latest movie (the one with a towel-clad stud)but you can get it in dvds nowadays, or bt. But then I heard the enforcement of the intellectual property rights in US is draconian. They may track you down for downloading movies illegally and slap you a humungous fine.
Oooh, the dogs DO blink, but due to technical difficulties (not to mention laziness) I didn't wanna go to the extra mile of making them blink. Besides, they may become too distracting to my original icon.
ça va pas la tête: Another instance where Sex sells
Life Cafez: Heh, I haven't taken it for quite a while too until that Saturday. Really Yum YUM :)
Xavier: ??? Did you comment on the wrong post?
Patrick: It's pretty obvious if I specify which stall. Wouldn't want to embarass that guy.(Later people go and look for him like he's a zoo animal)
executorlouis: Yay, you watch Bleach too. At least it's not as draggy as Naruto. For Bleach, it seems like the enemy is always stronger than our protagonist, now matter how strong they've become. This is really frustrating as it took those protagonists several episodes to talk a load of crap on how they need to be stronger and in the end they're still beaten to a pulp until the very last minute. Keso.... Urghh... It's like that EVERY SINGLE time.
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