Sunday, August 27, 2006

What Is Australia? (Part 2)

Watched Friends for the whole day at Silentside's place.

Melbourne Museum, the best museum I've ever been to, watched how babies were born.

BBQ Party at Damien's place and watched Rose Red, a horror movie about a house, until 3 am.

Sightseeing at the city

Free City Circle Tram

State Library At Night

Public Art At NewQuay

RMIT University

China Town at Little Bourke Street

Melbourne Visitor Centre

Melbourne Aquarium

City Square (I think)

Yarra River

Melbourne University

A robot going to the middle of the Treasury Gardens to investigate suspicious rubish bins.

This is when my camera's battery died down with the lens protruding.

Accidentally deleted all pictures in my 256mb memory card.

Managed to salvage 80% of them with Smart Flash Recovery.


Anonymous said...

that's AWFULLY short compared to part 1... lol.. anyway, glad you enjoyed your trip in Aus! :)

Shake Trees said...

ooo... y no pics geh? aisay... hmmm... u din go c the big shell ah? hehe...

executorlouis said...

Nice shots! Don't know how you deleted all your pics but glad you managed to salvage most of it. Hope you had fun over in Oz. ;)

savante said...

GASP! Why no South Yarra!

Bryan said...

So nice. I never been to Australia. Enjoy your trip!

Annie said...

*clapping* *jumping up and down* oh!! Pictures! Love them Harvey! I'm so glad you were able to recover some of them. WOW! Thanks for posting them. I wish I was there!

Harvey said...

kyle & cybertron - I've just updated the post to include pictures.

executorlouis - I was chatting online when I copied the photos and cleared the memory card. Then I realized I didn't really copy those photos...

Savante - I don't even know what part of yarra is that.

g_c - I didn't see many though. Lots of middle-aged fellows. Those aussie guys are either HOT or NOT.There's no in between.

Bryan - I already enjoyed the trip, going to have to suffer at uni.

Annie - Thanks, and there're a few more photos to come in the next post. :)

ikanbilis said...

oh my god.. i can die if i accidently delete any of my unsaved photos!! thank god there's Smart Flash Recovery. melbourne looks so fine! can't wait to go there. good to know you really had fun there