Saturday, September 30, 2006

Urban Myth #2

Females are more aggressive than the males in campus hostels.

A guy received invitation for free sex

from a caucasian woman.


ikanbilis said...

hmm.. interesting. i hardly think it could happen unless that guy is really hot but what was the reply then?

Annie said...

Speaking on behalf of the entire women species Harvey, NOTHING is free.. there are always strings attached. It's in our rule books. Just thought I'd share that teeny tiny secret. All guys do like to think they get stuff for free. It's why it works everytime. Bah ha ha. yes. we are evil. Any questions?

Hafiz Hector said...

At last we hear it from a REAL women and not those wo-MEN!

Anonymous said...

Agree agree...I had personally met those "aggressive" women when I am staying in hostel before, hahaha...

Anonymous said...

does that also mean bottom more aggressive than top too? uhmnn

Harvey said...

Wow, interesting theroy from everyone. Didn't know this "trivial" fact can generate intellectual discussion. I kinda think this "myth" is a norm in this day and age.

ikanbilis: I don't know, I wanted to ask but that friend of friend of brother that told me this didn't tell me.

Annie : No questions. Completely understandable.

Hafiz Hector: Yeah, thanks to my possibly only female reader --- Annie!

life cafez: Heh, coz you're hot ma.

FamezGAY : Then versatile even more aggressive lor