My baking fad ended as I'm entering a sighnificant phase of my life. "I have to be independent, I have to learn to cook, I have to study hard," I thought before entering the university.
I am staying in the campus's hostel, away from home, away from civilisation. However, I don't think I'll be feeling homesick at all. Not that my home is like hell, or that the university is a heaven full of fun activities to join, I can always get back home from the university within two hours.
Next, I found it easier and cheaper to just eat at the cafeteria. It would be a hassle to prepare the ingredients, cutleries, and rice cooker just to cook up a meal, considering the fact that my university is situated in the middle of nowhere, pretty far from a small town, which means it's impossible to shop whenever I want.
And my course only starts next week, so I psyched myself up to be in a study mood way too early.
So much for living independently, learning to cook, and stuying hard.
Good Luck being a freshie! :)
i have my Padini hoodie and it says "VARSITY"
Easier and cheaper food is one thing, but make sure you don't just eat all kinds of junk that'll turn you into a lardball!
Part of living independently also means thinking ahead and planning when you shop la. ;oP
But hey, enjoy university! I'm very envious.
Yeah. Enjoy... :)
you just have to cook once.....
u cook once with the amount that would last 7 days.
Kyle: Thank you. You too.
ikanbilis: I dunno what is Padini hoodie, but cool.
hrugaar: They're not junk food, they're proper food which is not a cinch to make for me. Heh, I guess I'm still not that independent.
MrBunnyBan: Yep, you too.
Anonymous: That's a good idea, only I'm lazy to do that. :P And what kind of food can be cooked and not be spoilt after a few days?
Oooo freshie~~~
Yum yum. :P
Have fun in campus. You'll love it and you'll hate it all at the same time. Not sure if it'll be the same but have fun anyhow.
hoodie are those sweatshirt stuff that can cover your head. oh i dont know how to explain, lol! but simply its just some cotton jacket/sweater/cardigan that have hood/head cover. oh yea, those hip-hop kind style, something like that. and if you still don't get it, i'd post something about it on my blog. lol
huh finally an uni student eh? :) anyway good luck on ur studies wor.. Anyway first year is not that hard eh if ur pre-u is good enough! :)
((Hugs)) Harvey! You have the rest of your life to cook for yourself. Studying is priority. Cafeteria was always the best idea. They serve healthy choices of foods. You choose, you eat and you study. Somebody else grocery shops, cooks and cleans.. Those are time-wasters when you should be focusing on the books. A lesson I learned my Sophomore year when I wasn't in the dorms anymore.
Like everybody else says .. enjoy this experience. I miss it.
Oh! and HEY! thanks for adding my new blog! I'm trying to fly solo. Scary.
defiant85: Yup sure, I'll have fun. :P
ikanbilis: Ah,I know now. I bought one in Australia.
FamezGAY: Thank you. Yeah, finally. Can't wait to just graduate and earn money.
Annie: I don't know whether I'll be focusing on the books either. But thanks for the advice. I guess I can't be like Mrs Bree in Desperate Housewifes and amaze everyone with my cooking skills. Haha.
Your're welcome. Keep up the good work.
But baking gives you some alone time to think and meditate while you play with the flour and eggs.
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