Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Deepavali and Hari Raya

Meet Little Harvey. I drew this myself and I figure it would be better to use a display picture that I can call it my own, now that I'm putting my profile back up. He's either a dog, a pig or a rabbit without whiskers; I'm not sure.

This is him in his rare wake-up state.

Coz most of the time he's enjoying a good nap.

I'm having holidays (Yay!) with 3 courseworks to do(Aw!). Happy Deepavali and Hari Raya to everyone. It's great to have festive season in Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

OMG that's like so kewt! Yeah, it looks like a dog cross bred with a rabbit...

Oh well, heterospecies breeding is a nice new idea... :)

savante said...

OK. That's a dog with hints of a hamster / rabbit / guinea pig :P

ikanbilis said...

that's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Deepavali to you too dude! Have a good holiday!

P/S: That's one cute looking hamster dog. =P

Harvey said...

Kyle: I think that's just because I wanted to draw sth cute, not caring about what species it is.

savante: Yes, it is! :)

ikanbilis : Yep.

Sam : Thank you. ^_^

Jon said...

Holiday and u hv 3 cworks? Man, ur college is mean. Set ur this cutie dog out to give the lects a bite.

Happy holiday, and thanks for the link.

Annie said...

It's a kangaroo - he adopted it from Australia, yes?

Teeny tiny title Harvey? Yeah, I wanted the picture to not have the title in it, so I made it as small as possible to get it lost in the moonlight there. Pretty tricky, eh? LOL

cain & abel said...

wah so cute! Lemme decide for you. Lil' Harvey is a Sang kancil!

Harvey said...

Jon: Nah, it's normal, I think, to have courseworks during the short holidays. Thank you. Don't mention it. I simply put your link on the blogroll as I wanted to visit your blog in the future.

Annie: Huh? Kangaroo? He needs to have a pouch. He does have kangaroo face though. Well, do you know that they sell kangaroo meat in Australia?

Oh, icic. I understand. I put lines at the top of my page, because I already put the title in the top banner itself.

cain & abel: Haha, so many suggestions. But whatever species it is, it doesn't matter as long as he looks like its drawn by a 3 year old who don't know any animal names. heh

Anonymous said...

The little Harvey really very cute. It looks like a rabbit. Since Deepavali coming soon, I had tried to order the greeting cards from this site :
This site let me bought the greeting cards by online. So, it is easier, convenience and save time because I no need to go out to shop for it. Hence, I would like to share this site with you all. Happy Deepavali to everyone !!! :)