Friday, December 15, 2006


Holy, sacred days... ... that are not to be desecrated with STUDY.

Ho ho ho!

Let's see, I've bought home the laptop, some clothes, my shoes, lip balm...... I'm gonna stay at home, only going back to hostel next year....... Wait, ack! I forgot to get my phone charger from the hostel!

Holy, sacred BLUR days... ...


Anonymous said...

yay horny-day!!! erk *piak-slaps forehead*

charger is the next important thing after the gadget!

Anonymous said...

Hiya harvey! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I had to change my blog address:

Same blog, different link.
sorry about the inconvenience.

Harvey said...

ikanbilis: Ah, Horny day pulak, now you made me horny. Yep, i got the "gadget". ahahaha~ (harvey in crazy holiday mood)

annie: Hiya! Greetings. Thank you. I'm changing your add, not a prob.