Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Aussie Photos

If only I have a camera phone, then I can shoot Aussie hotties blatantly.

And inspired by Annie's post on photography, I tried shooting something more "artsy". And this is what I got.


Shake Trees said...

lolx noti harvey. adt guy is real cute. u capture him?

Single Guy said...

I'm in the wrong Australian city..all the hunks are in Melbourne!

++ Chris ++ said...

Ow ow ow, love the second one *drool*
Lolz, try Perth harvey, my friends said there will be much more hotties hanging around, hehehe.

Annie said...

HARVEY! but you didn't shake the camera! or drive with the camera sticking out the window! LOL! Your photographs are MUCH MUCH nicer! and the guys aren't half bad either. Just tell them "My friend Anniie would love a picture of an Aussie, would you SMILE for me?" *giggle* . So fun seeing your posts, it's like I'm there! but without paying for it!

ikanbilis said...

i like the first view. the light effect looks good. and the very first one too!

Harvey said...

Cybertron: Yeah, I captured them. In photos.

Single Guy: I don't know about that. There weren't really a lot of hunks around when I was out scrying. Perhaps they were shivering with the cold at home.

++ Chris ++ : I don't think I'll have the chance to go to Perth, but thanks for the suggestion.

Annie : I tried shaking the camera but turns out it's hard to get blur image when shooting in a bright environment. It has something to do with the automatic ISO settings I think.

ikanbilis: Thanks

g_c : Yeah, I've been there during the summer but I was young then and didn't ogle.