Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just My Luck

Few days ago I commented in someone's blog that I am happily wearing retainer every night to maintain my smile, and today, I broke the retainer.

It cracked in my pocket when I fell down after the last push-up I did. Arghh!!! My dentist told me not to put it in the pocket, and yet I did that today due to some unusual circumstances and forgot about it until I hear the ominous "crack" sound.

Is this bad luck or just my absurd "blurness"?

I dropped things before and just two months ago, I accidentally fell to a drain when walking at night and got my leg lacerated. The injury required sutures to stop the bleeding although it was not so painful.

Now I have to spend money on the retainer, which costs similarly as an external hard disk, or a memory stick, or a mid-range graphics card (all of which I didn't buy), and will now be part of the living and tuition fees that I am leeching off my parents.

Yeah, I still haven't grown up.

This is sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In this new year, turn your blurness into bluricious. Keep writing! ~owum~